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Carolyn Duff

Certified Content Specialist


(803) 391-5619

Miles willing to travel
Time of day
Both Daytime and Evening
Schedule Availability
Both weekdays and weekends
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Carolyn Duff is a nationally certified school nurse and health educator with 23 years experience working with pre-K and elementary age children. Currently, she is the Nurse Advocate for ThriveRichland in the Department of Early Childhood at Richland County School District One. In her current position, she facilitates parent education and support meetings and provides training to childcare providers and staff.

Age Group Expertise

Infants (0 to 12 months) Young Toddlers (12 to 24 months) Older Toddlers (2 to 3 years) Preschool (3 to 4 years) Pre-K (4 to 5 years) Kindergarten (5 to 6 years)

Topic Areas

  • Child Growth & Development
  • Health & Safety